Jeevan Rekha Parishad – JRP
Amadeus Verein Fur Transnationale
Bildung - Amadeus Association For Trans-National Education
Ris Raziskovalno Izobrazevalno Sredisce Dvorec Rakican
Ris Dvorec Rakican
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”
Kick-off Meeting - Palermo, Italy
State of Art
International Training Course on Reading and Creativity for non-formal Education
Local Activities
Job Shadowing
READ International Workshop and Festival - Wien, Austria
Open Educational Resource
The aim of READ project is to promote reading to young people in an integrated and creative manner. Through local and mobility activities, the project addresses the problem of illiteracy, the risk of school dropout & the lack of interest that young people have towards reading. Targeting those marginalized youngsters, READ will stimulate the interest in reading as a way to open up the imagination, using nonformal methodologies, offering cultural & creative activities.